Sunday, September 15, 2024

Story # 3.9: Jay is the Man


Jay was stunned, silent for a moment.

He approached Larry and put his hands on the man's shoulders. Larry greeted that gesture with a smirk.

"I'm real, man."

"I can't believe it! Larry, you're fine."

"It's about time you said that," Larry's comment prompted a laugh from everyone else in the room.

Along with Linda and the kids, surrounding Larry and Jay were Dr. Blake and the two detectives, Mike and Seth, and Pat, along with one security guard.

"You're always a dirtbag," Jay said, laughing and lightly shoving Larry.

"I'm glad you're all right too, man. You gave us a scare yourself."

"Yeah, I'm fine now."

Pat walked up behind Jay and slapped his hand on Jay's shoulder, "He's more than fine. He's ready to roll. Jay, these are two of my associates, Mike and Seth. They'll work with Dr. Blake to assist you with our recent discussions."

Jay looked over at Mike and Seth and nodded. He looked back slightly at Pat, glaring to some degree but still playing along as best as he could.

"That's good to know, Pat."

"Say, man, you wanna go grab something to eat? I'm starving, and your kids look like they could eat too. Are you not feeding them again?"

"Oh, hush, man. Yeah, I could eat for sure."

"Why don't we all go eat together and discuss a few things about what's next here at the Fleece," Pat chimed in with his patented smile.

"That sounds good to me," Larry replied.

"Let me go change right quick. Why don't the kids go down there with you and Linda? I'll be down in just a few minutes."

"We'll see you down there, man," Larry patted Jay's shoulder and the others in the room began exiting.

Linda was following close behind, pushing the kids forward toward the door. Jay went towards the back bedroom to change clothes. As the children walked through the door, Linda motioned for Larry to hold up for a second.

"Why don't you take the kids on down? I'll be down in just a few minutes with Jay."

"I gotcha, just need a little...alone time," Larry smiled.

Linda slapped Larry on the chest, prompting a laugh from him. He exited with the kids as Linda closed the door behind them. Linda let out a sigh, standing next to the closed door. She had her eyes closed for a moment and gathered herself. She was tired. Tending to the kids was exhausting.

After righting herself, she turned around and saw Jay standing directly before her. She was startled and gasped.

"Honey, what are you doing?" Linda laughed sheepishly.

Jay just stood there, looking at her. He was trying to see how this person was faking being his wife. But after all Pat had just told Jay, he knew this place was one big lie. It was now or never to find out who was playing his wife.

"You know, you've done pretty good so far," Jay said.

Linda looked at him funny, "So far at what, honey?"

"You've called me every name in the book I can think of over the years. What are some of my favorites? You remember them, right?"

Linda laughed, "What are you talking about, Jay? Of course, I remember them."

"Well, name a few."


"Come on, name of few of the pet names you have for me," Jay was smiling and picking at Linda, poking her in the sides and stomach.

"Jay, I don't wanna do this right now, honey."

Jay still smiled and picked at her, "That's just it."

Linda was smiling, looking at him as they moved toward the kitchen. 

Jay suddenly lost the smile and stared at Linda, "You've never called me honey."

Linda's smile faded away.

"Not one time, until recently. Why?"

Linda laughed nervously, "You can't be serious? You're questioning the pet names I have for you?"

"That was never a pet name for me. You should know that if you are my wife."

"What? Have you lost your mind, Jay?"

"Who are you?"

"Stop this, Jay! This isn't funny."

"I'm not joking, lady. Who are you?"

Jay grabbed her arm tightly, squeezing it until Linda grimaced.

"Jay, you're hurting me!"

"Who are you?"

"Let go of me, now!"

"I'll let go when you tell me who you really are."

"I'm Linda Trent, your wife!"

"No, you're not!"

Jay shoved her into the island in the kitchen. When Linda hit the island, she stepped awkwardly and tripped over a toy on the floor. This action caused her to fall to the ground, hitting hard on the left side of her neck. Jay stood over her, watching her every move. He was convinced this woman was not his wife. He was going to find out now.

Linda started picking herself up off the ground and back on her feet. She turned around to face Jay. She was mumbling something, but Jay's attention was diverted to the side of Linda's neck. A flap of skin that hadn't looked that way before was sticking out on the left side of her neck. Jay reached for it and grabbed it.

This action by Jay made Linda stop talking immediately. She looked at his arm and then back at Jay, "What are you doing?"

Jay began pulling on the skin, which stretched and ripped away from Linda's neck. Linda grabbed his arm, trying to stop him, but Jay shoved her into the island again and pinning her left arm behind her as he held her right arm to the side.

"Stay still. This will only take a second," Jay said, staring at Linda's face.

She glared back at him.

Jay grabbed a chunk of the skin and began pulling hard. Linda grimaced, but as she did, her face began to contort. Jay saw this and saw that other skin was showing beneath the skin he was gripping. The skin pulled away rapidly from Linda's face, distorting her complexion. Finally, the whole face and hair ripped away completely, pulling the woman to the side.

Jay stared in awe at the woman before him. Instead of his blonde-headed wife, a beautiful woman with brunette hair rose slowly to face him. He looked at her and couldn't believe what he was seeing.


Now leaning against the island was Britton, his former colleague at the school. "Hi, Jay."

Jay's mind was racing. He had so many questions, but only one mattered right now.

"Where is my wife, Britton?"

"She's not here. Not anymore."

"Where was she taken?"

"She was taken nowhere, Jay."

"Then where is she?"

"When is she is the better phrase."

Jay realized with that statement from Britton that his wife was in the other place. Jay walked away from Britton and sat down on the chair nearby. He sighed and rubbed his forehead. He looked back up at Britton, who hadn't budged an inch.

"You sent my wife to that hell hole world? That destroyed civilization of the past?"

"I didn't. He did."

"Yeah, I figured. But you've been pretending to be Linda. Why?"

"Because it's all part of the plan."

"What plan?"

"His plan."

"Do you know anything without him?"

"He keeps us all on a very tight, short leash."

"Yeah. I imagine he does."

Britton was slowly moving her arm still behind her, between her and the island, trying to reach for the small firearm she had stuffed in the back of her pants. She kept it just in case Jay ever found out who she was so she could hold him at bay.

Jay was looking down at the floor, rubbing his temples. While he did this, Britton moved more quickly to get the gun before Jay looked up. But as soon as Britton grabbed the handle, Jay hopped off the chair and raced over to grab her left arm. He struggled with her as she revealed the gun in her left hand. Britton was strong, but Jay was stronger and pried the weapon from her hand. Once he had the gun, he held it up to Britton's head. Britton stared back at Jay, nervous about what he might do.

"So what do we do now?" Britton asked.

"I'm sure your boss already knows something. There's no way he wouldn't.

You're quite right, Jay.

Jay heard that thought in his head. He then grabbed hold of Britton and held her in front of him, blocking his body from the line of sight. The door to Jay's living quarters sprang open. Two heavily armed security guards walked in with their rifles aimed at Jay. After they entered, Pat walked in, always smiling.

"Oh, Jay. I was really hoping it wouldn't come to this."

"Where is my wife, Pat?"

"I'm pretty sure Britton just told you, Jay."

"Then how do we get her back?"

"I wish I knew."

"Liar! That's all you do is lie! I want my wife back now!"

"Well, I guess you've forgotten one thing, Jay. I have your kids with me. Those are your kids, even you know that."

Larry walked up and into the room, "Jay? Man, what the hell are you doing? Britton? What is going on?"

"Not to worry, Larry. Everything will be explained in due time."

"Give me my kids back and take me to my wife, Pat."

"Or else what, Jay? This entire living quarter is surrounded by elite security forces at my command. You need to put down that gun so we can handle this more appropriately."

"I'm not letting her go until I learn where my wife is. Besides, you still need me, remember?"

With that statement, Jay turned the gun on himself. Pat looked startled and raised his hand to persuade Jay to stop.

"Lower your weapons."

Pat ordered the two guards beside him to stand down. The guards complied.

Jay, still holding the gun up to his own head, stood there waiting for a reply from Pat. Pat glared at Jay, trying to read his mind. Jay was blocking his thoughts and keeping information away from him.

Pat began to smile, "Ok, Jay. You want to see your wife again? You'll need to follow me back down to the Artifact Room."

"Yeah, I figured that thing had something to do with it. After you. I insist."

Pat smiled at Jay, chuckled at bit, then turned and exited the room. The two guards followed close behind, their guns aimed at Jay again. Jay now held the gun on Britton again, and proceeded to walk out of the room. Larry stood there stunned.

"Jay, I don't know what is happening, but this is crazy, man."

"Just follow me, Larry. Bring the kids, too. You need to see this place below."

Jay exited the room with Britton held close to him with the gun up aimed at her. Armed guards were on either side of the door as he walked out. At least five on either side. In front of him were more guards, another ten to either side of Pat. Pat turned back around to look at Jay holding Britton.

"Let's go, Jay. Time is of the essence."

"I'm pretty sure we have all the time in the world, Pat."

"Maybe," Pat replied to Jay, turning to walk down the corridor.

Pat led the way back to access the Artifact Room. Holding Britton close with the gun in hand, Jay followed, along with the armed guards, Larry, the kids, Dr. Blake, Seth and Mike. They were all headed to the final showdown between Jay and Pat.

One thing was for sure: Jay would either see Linda again or die trying.


The screen lit up in red before the technician sitting in the control room. When they saw this, they clicked the link to access the message.



The technician had to read the message again. He couldn't believe what he just read. Gason group is on the way? Detain Pat? Pate Compromised? What is going on? Protect Trent fam...

With that last thought, the technician looked at another screen. The flashing light was still going off where the zombies had been activated. He knew the zombies were headed for the power plant where Linda and Rob were currently. The goal for the zombies was to kill both of them. He had one final thought.

Oh no...

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