Sunday, September 29, 2024

Story # 3.11: Escape to the Fleece Part 2, The Visitor


Footsteps echoed through the corridors of the Fleece as a group of people walked past the same security guard station as Pat and the others did just a few hours earlier. On the television, an episode of E.T.s of Antiquity was on, showing images of alien beings depicted on ancient ruins from millennia earlier. The host, a mid-80s former movie star Willem Thatcher, narrated the show, posing whether we would ever truly want to meet an alien.

The group entered the control room of the Fleece, prompting all of the technicians to stand up and face them. The lead person stopped the group and spoke to all the technicians.

"We are with GASON. Where is Pat?"
No one in the Artifact Room could move. They could barely breathe. The shock of seeing a being materialize from seemingly nothing was staggering. Only Pat didn't seem surprised. The rest were quite humbled.

Jay and Linda stared at the figure, unsure what to say.

The armed soldiers stood ready in case they needed to open fire. None were sure firing on this being would be of any use.

The being stood before them, towering from the platform of the orb. The orb was now dimmed, revealing the being more fully. The being stood roughly seven feet tall, had large, broad shoulders, and a muscular-looking build. But the form of the being kept phasing in and out. The voice was what shocked them the most. It was mechanical, borderline artificial sounding, but with a deep baritone that made it distinct. When the being spoke, it shook you to your soul, echoing through the chamber. The being stood there, waiting patiently for someone to respond.

"Welcome," Pat said with a customary smile.

The being said nothing in reply.

"What are you?" Jay asked.

For a moment, the being did not speak; it just kept phasing in and out. Finally, it spoke.

"I am what I am."

"What, like God?" Larry asked.

"If you say so," the being replied.

Jay moved away from Linda towards the being. She reached for Jay, trying to stop him, but Jay reassured her and continued forward.

"Why did you come here?" Jay asked.

The being did not answer right away. It stood there, arms hoisted some to the sides, in a defensive posture.

"To reveal the truth."

"What is truth?" asked Pat.

"Yeah, you would ask that wouldn't you?" Linda replied, glaring at Pat.

Pat looked back at her and smiled. Linda looked away, back to Jay and the being.

"Let those who have an ear hear the words I am saying now. I will answer any questions you have, provided they all come from the one who has approached me. Any others responding will be dealt with swiftly and harshly," the being replied.

The person the being was referring to was Jay, who had approached him. No one argued, not even Pat.

"What truth are you going to reveal?"'

"The truth of your world."

"Pat has already told me about this world. What else is there to know?"

"Much more."

Jay thought momentarily, "I've been shifting between realities in my dreams. Are you the cause of that?"



"Because it was necessary."

"Will it always be necessary?"

"No. Are these the questions you really want to ask?"

"Where do you come from?"

"From a place beyond your comprehension. I have assumed this form because you would never understand my true appearance. That's why I am what I am."

"Do you have a name?"


"Then welcome, Rapha."

Rapha began moving off the platform and stepping down toward Jay. This movement prompted all the soldiers to take several steps back. Larry, Dr. Blake, Dana, and Linda all moved back. Pat, Britton, and Rob stood firm in their locations. Jay remained where he was, looking up at the being.

Rapha stopped two feet in front of Jay. The being towered over Jay, who was of average height for a human male.

As Jay and Rapha looked at one another, the doors to the Artifact Room opened again. The GASON group walked in with some of the technicians and more guards. When they came around the corner and saw Rapha, they all stopped.

"You said you are here to reveal the truth. Are you going to conquer us as well?" Jay asked.

Rapha did not respond right away. The being stood there phasing some more and finally spoke, "Not all visitors are conquerors. Only your world has ever done that."

"So what then? Are you here to destroy us?"

"If it is necessary."

That remark sent a cold chill through everyone in the room. It was all Britton could stand. She was breathing heavily and becoming eradict. She held up her gun and aimed it at the being. This action caught Rapha's eye. Pat tried to motion for Britton to stop, but it was too late. Rapha was already making a move.

Before Britton could speak, Rapha had taken her ability away. Before Britton could pull the trigger of the gun, Rapha had dismembered the fingers of her hand holding it. Before Britton could scream, Rapha dematerialized her body in bits and pieces, sending them plunging into the orb to an unknown destination. Britton was no more, and Rapha dispatched her quickly.

Jay couldn't believe what he just saw. He moved back slightly from Rapha, who now took notice of him.

"I warned you, only you can respond."

"Did you kill her?"

"She was not a being like you."

"What does that mean?"

"Some of you have been recreated after death. That is not a natural process for your beings. They are easy to find. They will be eliminated when necessary. I will commit no more harm to anyone else, provided you maintain the rules I have laid out."

"So, what is the truth you want to reveal?"

"There are many truths to reveal about your world. But the first one is that we are not your adversary."

"Then who is Rapha?"

"Your adversary stands there."

With that statement, Rapha pointed to the right and looked in that direction. The being was pointing directly at Pat.

With Rapha still pointing, the armed guards raised their weapons and aimed at Pat. The leader of the GASON group looked on and began to smirk. Linda approached Jay and looked on at Pat. Rob turned to face Pat. The whole group was fixated on him.

As Pat stood there, watching what was happening before him, his smile was finally gone. He stood there and said the only thing he could think of at the time.


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